
in all of time

I know these memes are supposed to be daily, but after today I reeeeeally feel like writing this right now, so here goes !

Day 1: Introduce yourself
Well, that's easy.. uhm, my name is Minea, I am 16, I study in high school and I play american football weekly. But that's not quite enough, is it? As a person I am optimistic and carefree andand I'm having problems summing myself up to a few words :D I guess there's really no point of starting to explain my whole personality right here, so I guess I'll just say that find out if interested !
Day 02 - Your first love
See that's the thing, I don't think I've never been in love, or actually I don't want to consider anything from my past to be even close to "love". So the touching, heart-stealing, stomache-aching love is still yet to come. But it's OK, there's no rush.
Day 03 - Your parents
My mom is Finnish and my dad is Italian, and they both have a hard time understanding what it means to let a child grow up. I am the youngest so I guess they always see me as their littlest girl. In one hand, it's good - I can do basically anything I want, but I've gotta pay the price of being sometimes treated like a little baby of 5 and not a premature almost-adult-whatever kind of girl.
Day 04 – What you ate today
Bread. For breakfast and supper. Hmm, didn't even realize.
Day 05 – Your definition of love
:D uhm I don't think a feeling that strong can be defined in any specific way. "You don't spell it, you feel it", I guess.
Day 06 – Your dreams
Mexico. That's all I want.
Day 07 – Your best friend
See that's the thing, I don't have a best friend! There are people I love spending time with and party with them and talk with them and giggle with them, but not many people come closer. I have people I've known for a long time and they know me in more ways, but since I'm still learning who I am, letting other people inside my life in the most intimate of ways is harder. So I guess "my best friend" is a flexible concept for me.
Day 08 – A moment
Day 09 – Your beliefs
Hmm. I like to believe in the goodness of people.
Day 10 – Your siblings

Day 11 – What you wore today

Day 12 – What’s in your bag
Everything incredibly random, lip balm that I've worn out, pens that won't work, notes we've passed during classes, junk from my pencil sharpener, books, notebooks, gum... I wouldn't be surprised to find a used toothbrush or something from there one day...
Day 13 – This week
Day 14 – Somewhere you’ve always wanted to go
barcelona, spain



Day 15 – Your day
Day 16 – Your favourite movies

Day 17 – Your favorite memory
Ohhh but there are so many of them !
Day 18 – Your favorite birthday
Haha, I've loved absolutely all of them.
Day 20 – This monthDay 21 – Another momentDay 24 – Something that makes you cryThis one's too hard to explain. India 2009, my first... whatever it was and... oh gosh.

Day 25 – A first
first time on a cruise with no parents !

Day 26 - Your fears

Day 27 – Your favorite place
rome = home
Day 28 – Something that you miss
Day 29 – Your aspirations
Mexico. That's all I need.
Day 30 – One last moment

light up, light up
as if you have a choice

(image sources i do not own)

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