
you're on the road, but you've got no destination

I've been dreaming of bodymods and changing my looks for ages. I've dreamt of red hair eversince I was... oh my gosh, I don't know, 12, and on top of that I've always wanted piercings, tattoos, new clothes, new hairstyles, new everything... I hate being stuck to one singe look for ages. When I was about 13, I never bought new clothes because I was sure that spending money on clothes, make up and stuff was the stupidest thing ever and I was "above" all that. So as far as my pre-teen years went, I pretty much looked the same - shortish brown hair, no make up, same old clothes. I was ashamed of my body and tried to hide it into boy hoodies and big pants, but I was always a bit jealous for the girls who had long hair, cute clothes, beuty and most of all, the confidence to pull their looks off, no matter what anyone else said. So, as I got my life and myself a bit more sorted out, in around the age 14-15 I started to make myself look more like who I felt I was inside. And now that I know that in 6 months I'll be gone for a whole year, I have so much more courage to do all the stuff I've been to afraid to do beofre.

First thing I did: sidecut. Seeing people with a sidecut on one side and long whisps on the other made me feel really envious and jealous - god how I craaaaved for one!! So last January I made one dream true (it wasn't so hard after all - the only one who made a big fuss about it was _myself) - and cut it. I remember, I was listening to music, it was around midnight in a Tuesday night and it just hit me. Now's the time. So, I went to the bathroom, cut my hair short on the right side of my head and made it shorter with my Dad's hair machine.. thing. I was so nervous I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night :D when I got to school I felt amazing, my friends were supersupportive and I felt really special. I'd done it, I'd beaten my old fears, the old version of me, and here I was, proud and happy and confident me.

That was one thing now - but it wasn't enough. A few days later I left for our school's cruise (best time ever, I swear) and I got talking to one girl about piercings, and she said she could do one for me. Oh man, I don't need to mention the fuss that went on the school that she did a labret for me - in the bathroom. Cliché, I know, but dude it didn't even get infected!! I am the luckiest of all lucky girls, the chances of a home-made piercing not getting infected is about one over ten gazillion millions (or that's what they told me..) But oh, whatever! I love it, although I've already lost two of them, but oh well. It's a small price I gotta pay for looking this good, ahahaa!

I changed my style too, but oh well, explaining that would be way too complicated! The next thing I'm planning is getting a tattoo. I'm thinking that getting a cheap tattoo (cheap tattoos?) in Mexico wouldn't be a bad thing at all... I'd also like to dye my hair read (I've been dreaming about it eversince I was friggin 12 years old man!). I mean, just look at readheads. LOOK at them.

I can't explain why I have a thing for redheads (my dad always says I got it from him but........). I guess it's just one of those things you can't really explain. But there's no hurry. I'll get there. Right now I'm too in love with my natural hair which gets blonder, darker, curlier, straighter and everything inbetween whenever it wants, so... we'll see! After all, what's the rush?

Eversince... I don't even know how long, I've been longing for these tattoos, or something like them (not in the same spots, and I have a few that I can't really find good pictures of, but I hope you get the idea!). Just waiting for Mexico to come and life to begin with ink on my skin... Hrr, even the idea gives me the thrilling chills!

we are all like astronauts discovering infinity

(pictures from we♥it)

it's a beautiful day
sky falls, you feel like
it's a beautiful day
don't let it get away

(U2: Beautiful Day)



  1. Voi apua ku musta tuntuu että oot miniversio musta<3 ja hyvällä tavalla ! Tosi samanlaiset kiinnostuksenkohteet yms meillä pupuseni :)

    Mieti vielä ennen ku otat tatskan Meksikossa! Oo ensinnäkin ihan älyttömän tarkkana että se paikka on varmasti hygieeninen ja laadukas (oot nähny mitä mun Tallinnassa otetulle lohikäärmeelle kävi...) ja tosiaan mieti kunnolla minkä tatskan haluut ennen ku otat mitään isoa tai näkyvälle paikalle ettei myöhemmin ala vituttaa :)

    Hihi jos otat omin ni sit se on 3/6 perheestä :'D just hyvä!

  2. hahahh :D joo siis tottakai mietin ja katon kunnol mut houkuttais! Mut onhan täs viel ihan sikan aikaa miettii ja kaikkee.
